Model Railroading Clinics

Updated 09/02/2022

Clinic Presenter Riley Triggs

Riley Triggs is an architect, urbanist, historian, design educator, and lifelong model railroader. He is an architectural project manager and an architecture professor where he explores the emotional space shared by people and the built environment that create personal identity and authentic experiences of place. He uses this research in his approach to modeling the Port of New York (ponyrr.blogspot.com ) to recreate the experience of railroading in Hoboken, NJ and the Port of New York in the 1950s. Riley is Publications Department Manager for the NMRA and the Lone Star Region, President of the Austin Model Railway Society, former editor of the Layout Design Journal, and he publishes an online guide to the architecture of Austin, Texas (guidetoaustinarchitecture.com).

CLINIC #1 of 2 - Brakeman! A Serious(ly) Fun Operating System

The main barrier for new operators is often fear of embarrassment. The main barrier for a layout owner to operations is often finding a regular crew. Participants of this clinic will learn how to make operations accessible and enjoyable for all while being more prototypical and focused on accommodating various operator skill levels in the same session. Examples from the Port of New York layout will show how a layout owner can provide a friendly, engaging experience through layout design, battery-powered wireless control systems, operating schemes powered by a No.2 pencil, and realistic replication of train crew actions in a calm, low-stress, welcoming environment any new or experienced operator can appreciate and find rewarding.

CLINIC #2 of 2 - Modeling Techniques for the Port of New York

An urban railroad prototype has many unique and charming characteristics that provide for fun and challenging modeling situations. Through examples from the Port of New York layout, participants of this clinic will learn how to approach and enjoy modeling urban environments by going from researching a prototype to 3d computer modeling and printing, building mockups, creating operational opportunities, and finally, detailing a scene.