Model Railroading Clinics

Updated 01/03/2023

Clinic Presenter Linda Petrarca

Linda has supported Bruce’s interest in model railroading. Drawing on her knowledge of trompe l’oeil, she has offered clinics on the artistic side of model railroading on the national and local levels over the years.

She attended a clinic at the 2008 Anaheim convention on estate planning for model railroaders. This inspired an article that she and Bruce wrote for the December 2012 issue of Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine, called Slow Orders, Dangerous Track Ahead.

A customer service professional, she has worked for and taught for large and small corporations as well as having run her own consulting business. She helped Bruce build Litchfield Station to the second largest DCC retailer in the world.

CLINIC - More Slow Orders, Avoiding Disaster
Presented by Bruce, MMR, & Linda Petrarca

Bruce and Linda will talk about things that every model railroader (and their families) should do to prepare for fire, flood, medical emergencies and death. A few things that, if you do them now, will make life easier for all involved. They wrote an article on these subjects in Model Raoiroad Hobbyist magazine over a decade ago. They have done clinics based on that article since.

New for 2023 and the Texas Express, they have revised the clinic and expanded it to make it even more relevant to the evolving world of model railroading.

As a modeler, you need to see this clinic and bring your family because this will affect them, too.